22 November 2019

Dean Woods


Player registration rebate for 2018/19

Clubs that have paid the full registration fees in season 2018/19 (i.e. not a University Club/ team) and which had registered full-time students, and/ or registered players under the age of 18, may apply for a rebate from England Korfball.

1) Each student/ U18 player applied for must have played in at least eight, or two-thirds, of senior competition matches, whichever is the lower, between 1 September and 31 May in season 2018/19.

2) For each qualifying student/ U18 player the rebate shall be £10.

3) The maximum team registration fee for 2019/20 is £335 and the minimum team registration fee for a team in its first year is £160. Therefore, the total amount of rebates claimed cannot reduce the team registration fee for any team to below £160.

4) The rebate shall only be paid by England Korfball to the club on application and provided that the full registration fees for the season 2019/20 are paid on time by the due date of 1st November 2019. The rebate may not be deducted from the payment of fees except with specific prior agreement. The closing date for claiming rebates shall be 1st December 2019 and the names of qualifying players must be supplied to the Egland Korfball Finance Officer.

5) The Club is responsible for providing registration details and the following information per player:-

a) FixturesLive ID Number

b) Date of birth if U18 at beginning of season

c) Details of University/ College attended if over 18 at the beginning of the season

d) Number of matches played.

6) The rebate will only be paid if the required number of matches played can be verified on FixturesLive.

The deadline to claim the rebate is the 1st December 2019.